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Relevant Random Ramble workshop

This week is about the Relevant Random Ramble Workshop which a guest is being invited to talk about random things of his choices but it is relevant in us being practitional of design.  

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What are your responses looking at the diagrams? Does the diagrams resonate with you? If so, why?


My responses when I look at the diagram is that it is true to the extend that we all have a goal in terms of who we want to be as a designer and in order to become that person who we want to be, we have to work hard for it. At the same time, how good we is not proportional to how confidence we are in ourselves as at the beginning we may be overly-confidence in ourselves before learning and gaining more knowledge allow us to realize that we are not as good as we thought. However through pain and commitment, we gain more knowledge about what we do and with it slowly regain our confidences in ourselves. Lastly, in order to out-do ourselves and do things that we can never imagine ourselves doing, we need to step out of our comfort zone to it.​


The diagrams in a way resonate with me a little as it's true that in order to do my best work, I need to explore beyond the horizon to know what I can do as "what is magical is not what you've already know but what you've yet to know".

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What are the enabling factors to move from one place to another in the proposed Transformation Design Futuring Framework?


The enabling factors are clarity, speculation, realization & curiosity. As for one to gain insight on a matter requires clarity to be gain in hindsight as to see the situation clearly that is hiding in plain sight, to gain understanding of what is happening. From Insight, one gain various speculation of what is probable to try and make a foresight to a particular situation only to be proven wrong through realization of what is happening in reality to question oneself what did I miss that led to an oversight on the topic before getting curious to find what is in the hindsight which led to the cycle repeating itself or going back and fore.

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