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What does design mean to me?


Design to me, is a way of life. As important as science, as ever-changing as technology. Design is an intangible tool that is made a process to deliver structure & direction to an "experience".


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This "experience" isn't set in stone but rather is something that can be shaped to have various experiences & outcome. In the mist of shaping, it can be catered to solve problems or discover a whole new direction of experiences that change the cultural trends of society. To me design is something that is integrated into our life whether you know it or not.


Why I see design the way it meant to me?


The reason I see design as a way of life, because it is a process that guide and walk many through the purpose, the problem & the result.​


Design is in the same position as math. There is math in our daily lives, there is design in our daily lives. In the tools we use, in the various screen media see, in the various experiences we feel. All have "design" to it as they are made to capture the attention of audiences, and they each tells a story.


Why do I practice design?


I practice design because I want to gain a better understanding of our ever-changing, ever-complex world.​


To discover and to broader my views & knowledge in areas to which I am not familiar with as to gain understanding. ​


The change is unpredictable, but by practicing design. I believe I might be able to adapt to the various change that has yet to come.​


How would I describe design in a single word?


"Coordination", as for what design meant to me and why I practice it. Design give coordination to the things we do and the way we experiences our life and the world around us. The world around us is a sea of chaos with many of us being adrift. Design can bring clarity to the lives of many and how it is being live. ​


I hope being a designer and through the practice of design it would not just solve problem but also shine light and give a direction to how the future is being live.

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